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Welcome to East Lancashire Medical Services

If you want more information on ELMS and its services please click on the tabs shown at the top of the webpage.

East Lancashire Medical Services (ELMS) is a registered society under the Co-Operative and Community Benefits Societies Act 2014, operating on a not-for-profit basis, delivering healthcare to the populations of Pennine Lancashire – Blackburn with Darwen and East Lancashire – 24 hours per day 365 days a year. 

The local health economy is in a period of significant change but ELMS continues to have a key role in the Pennine Lancashire health economy, maintaining quality without compromising patient safety and performance, supporting both primary and secondary care medical services in delivering the best possible care for patients, in the most appropriate place.  ELMS works in close partnership with other local health and social care providers and the Lancashire & South Cumbria Integrated Commissioning Board across the local health system.

ELMS continues to demonstrate its ongoing ability to respond, perform and deliver a high quality patient focused service in testing times.  This is possible due to a committed and effective corporate team and clinical and non-clinical colleagues, working together to deliver safe and high quality care to patients.

Dr Asif Garda

ELMS Clinical Chair

November 2024


ELMS new lease vehicles 2021                                                           ELMS Colleagues with one of ELMS's new vehicles - Feb 2021

Patient Survey

We would like you to think about your recent experience of using our service and how likely you are to recommend our service to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment. 

We want to make sure that our services meet the needs of the people who use them or may be affected by them.   We will use the information to improve our service and to feedback to the staff and clinicians concerned in order to promote good practice across ELMS.

  • We do not need to identify you.
  • Click on the link below and complete the survey - please.

Thank You.

Patient Survey Link

Keep Warm Keep Well

Slavery Statement

Working within the health sector, ELMS recognise that it has a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking.

We are absolutely committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our corporate activities, and to ensuring that our supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking.

stop terrorism

(Site updated 20/03/2025)
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